Lu Zhang, 1662 - Anton Taylor, 1844
Caro-Kann Defense (B12)
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. Bd3 Bxd3 5. Qxd3 e6 After this game was played my friend SIM Wolff Morrow recommended the following line to me as giving black an edge and I have to agree. (5... Qa5+ 6. Bd2 Qa6 7. Qxa6 Nxa6 Komodo still believes this to be equal but a human ... well, it looks easier to play for black. ) 6. Nf3 Nd7 7. O-O Qb6 This is a sideline I enjoy playing. 8. a4 This is a novelty. It makes some sense to grab space here but push too hard and I think white will get into trouble (as in this game). Komodo believes this is equal but recommends my reply. 8. ... c5 9. a5 Qc6 10. c3 Ne7 11. Bf4 Komodo assesses this position as equal. I think this move is simply a istake. Black will get in h6 and g5, gain a tempo, and possibly get in a Nf8-g6 maneuver. ... This was my idea and you can thank GM Simon Williams for the inspiration from his work on The Lion and the Dutch Defense. 11. ... h6 12. Bg3 12. b4 was a much better alternative and may well be the reason that Qc6 is less favored than Qc7 earlier. After b4 b5 comes with gain of tempo and black's queenside starts to look silly. With the absence of the light square bishop perhaps a6 might have been an ok reply to b4 when white's a-pawn becomes a target if he opens the b-file. The question remains though, In that case what will black's plan be for his sad bishop on f8 in that case? g6 followed by bg7? That doesnt work. Nf5 followed by Be7? That's probably the best try but it leads to an equal position. 12. ... g5 13. Nbd2 Nf5 14. Rfe1 Be7 It is here that Komodo starts to see an advantage for black. The "tall pawn" on e7 is actually contributing to the kingside attack by holding g5 and there is no way for white to add pressure to that square. It is a testament to white's former superior position though that the evaluation is only now good for black after white has wasted some moves. 15. Nf1 h5 16. h3 O-O-O Castling is probably unnecessary or even slightly dangerous here but I felt I needed the extra rook to join in the attack to ensure success. 17. N3h2?? A decisive blunder under pressure. From here the game is won. 17. ... h4 18. a6 b6 19. b4 c4 20. Qb1 hxg3 21. Nxg3 Nh4 22. Ng4 Rdg8 23. Ra2 Ng6 24. b5 Qc7 25. Ne2 Nf4 26. Nxf4 gxf4 27. Qd1 Nf8 28. Qf3 Ng6 29. Kf1 Bg5 30. Nf6 Bxf6 31. exf6 Nh4 32. Qe2 f3 33. gxf3 Qh2 34. Qe5 Qxh3+ 35. Ke2 Qxf3+ 36. Kd2 Qxf2+ 37. Re2 Nf3+ 0-1
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