Saturday, December 10, 2016

2016 Free No More Round 3 FM Matt Hassen, 2286 - Anton Taylor, 1865 Caro-Kann Breyer Variation (B10)

FM Matt Hassen, 2286 - Anton Taylor, 1865
Caro-Kann Breyer Variation (B10)

1. e4 c6 2. d3 This is an interesting option for white. I have played a few blitz games treating it like a King's Indian Attack as white with some success. 2. ... d5 3. Nd2 e5 4. Ngf3 Bd6 I was playing out of book from this move forward, I know nothing about what to do here as black. 5. d4 Here I began to feel like a bleeding fish in shark infested water. I had obviously fallen into some kind of preparation. Not against myself specifically but it's going to be effective against me since I have no idea what to do. 5. ... exd4 This made sense to me at the time that I played the move. It turns out to be the mainline. 6. exd5 Bc5? Here is my deviation and it isn't very good. cxd5 is the mainline where Black plays with an isolated pawn. 7. dxc6 Nxc6 8. Bc4 Qe7+ 9. Qe2 Bf5 10. Nb3 Bb4+ This move is a little over-ambitious. The simple Bb6 causes Komodo to say Black has a slight edge.11. Kd1 O-O-O 12. Qxe7 Ngxe7 13. a3 Bd6 14. Bd2 Ne5 15. Nxe5 Bxe5 16. Bxf7 Nd5? This move is the real error. There is no plan in this move. After White captures the pawn Komodo determines that things are equal. A little hint for those who don't know, if a computer determines that you have an equal position when you're down a pawn your position is pretty good. However, after Nd5 the evaluation drops. It is interesting to see that there are three different plans for Black that seem to work: Rhf8 developing a rook with an immediate attack and eyeing to invade into the white position, Nc6 keeping things solid and e5, and lastly d3 aiming to either create a passed pawn or opening lines for the rooks. These moves all seem to appear in some order in each variation and are all interesting plans. The rest of the game is a struggle for Black to survive and is mostly not worth analysis as I've determined to my satisfaction the reall error of this game. 17. Re1 Bf6 18. Be6+ Bxe6 19. Rxe6 Rhe8 20. Rxe8 Rxe8 21. Nc5 Be5 22. Nd3 Bxh2 23. g3 Nf6 24. c3 Ng4 25. cxd4 Bg1 26. Be1 Kd7 27. Rc1 b6 28. Rc2 h5 29. Re2 h4 30. Rxe8 Kxe8 31. gxh4 Bh2 32. Ke2 Bd6 33. f4 Ke7 34. Kf3 Nf6 35. Ne5 Ke6 36. Nc4 Be7 37. Ne3 Nd5 This move I will give a small comment to here. this was innaccurate. As soon as I made the move I realized that 37. ... g6 made for a more stubborn defense. 38. f5+ Kd6 39. Bg3+ Kc6 40. Nxd5 Kxd5 41. Be5 Bxh4 42. Bxg7 Be1 43. b3 Bd2 44. a4 a6 1-0

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