2017 3 Tables - July Round 3
CM Justin Arnold, 2110 - Anton Taylor, 2007
Veresov (A45)
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. Bf4 c6? a6 is the most common move and is actually played in top games. I may try it the next time Justin plays this line but if memory serves correctly he has never played the same opening twice against me and may abandon this one. However, it's worth studying. I might win a nice game against some other opponent playing the Veresov attack. 4. f3 Bf5 5. g4 Bg6 6. e3 e6 7. h4 h5 8. g5 Ng8? up until this move both players have followed a game GM Grandelius - GM Bologan (2016) ... In that game black tries Nfd7 which is a better try but still is an inferior position for black. 9. Bd3 Ne7 10. Nge2 Nf5 11. Qd2 Nd7 12. O-O-O Qa5 Trying to develop but black is just lost. 13. Kb1 b5 14. e4 Ne7 15. Nxb5! I completely missed this thematic "sacrifice". 15. ... Qxd2 16. Nd6+ Kd8 17. Rxd2 Nc8 18. Nb7+ Ke8 19. exd5 Bxd3 20. dxe6 Bf5 21. exd7+ Bxd7 22. Re1 Be7 23. Nc5 Bxc5 24. dxc5 Be6 1-0
So once again I play an embarrassing game against CM Arnold. It's becoming a habit. This I believe is the third or fourth occasion I have had to witness his style of play first-hand I will be preparing a surprise or two for our next encounter and we will see what comes of that. I am determined to above all else claim Justin's "scalp". I love a good competitor and I get along with his personality which makes beating him psychologically difficult but I need those rating points. I smell blood in the water now. I'm motivated more than ever to win against him.
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