3 Tables - August Round 1
FM Matt Hassen, 2315 - Anton Taylor, 1999
Caro-Kann: Advance/ Bayonet Variation
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. g4 Bg6 5. e6 fxe6 6. h4 Qd6 7. h5 Bf7 8. f4 Nd7 This is where I was a bit lost. Nf6 or Nh6 are the recommended moves by Komodo but I'm not convinced that these moves go anywhere either. To have an equal position and be a pawn ahead means that black has done something wrong here. It is sharp and double-edged and has the potential for being completely lost or completely won. Essentially choosing this continuation by both players eliminates the drawn result. 9. Nc3 g6 10. hxg6 Bxg6 11. Bd3 Nf3 and g5 are better ways to handle the awkward position of the bishop or grip e5. 11. ... Bg7 12. Bxg6+ hxg6 13. Rxh8 Bxh8 14. Qd3 O-O-O 15. Nf3 Ngf6 The c5 break has to happen sooner or later. It probably should have been played here. Komodo likes Nh6 followed by e5 if white takes the g-pawn ... equal. 16. Ne5 Rg8 17. g5 Nf8?? I elect to give up the material but it was unnecessary. Instead, Komodo spots an interesting resource I had not even considered. Ne4 gives away the extra pawn but there is actually a slight advantage to black after the eminent trade. 18. gxf6 exf6 19. Ng4 Bg7 20. Bd2 g5 21. fxg5 f5 22. Nf2 Qh2 23. Ne2 Ng6 24. Qh3 Qc7 25. O-O-O Rh8 26. Qe3 e5 27. dxe5 Bxe5 28. Bc3 Re8 29. Bxe5 Rxe5 30. Qf3 Qe7 31. Nd3 Qxg5+? 31. ... Rxe2 32. Qxf5+ Qe6 seems better for black but I got cute. 32. Kb1 Re8 33. Rg1 Nh4 34. Rxg5 Nxf3 35. Rg2 Rh8 36. b3 Rh2 37. Rxh2 Nxh2 38. Nd4 Kc7 39. Nxf5 Nf3 40. Kb2 b6 41. Nf4 Ng5 42. Kc3 Nf3 43. Kd3 Ne1+ 44. Kd2 Nf3+ 45. Ke2 Ng5 46. Ke3 Kd7 47. a3 Kc7 48. b4 Ne4 49. Kd4 Nd2 50. a4 a6 1-0
The final moves are unrecorded but this has been obviously lost for quite a while.
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